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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many aspects of life to shift online, including psychotherapy sessions. Remote psychotherapy has become more common, allowing individuals to receive mental health services from the comfort of their own homes. However, the lack of in-person communication can pose challenges for therapists who rely on nonverbal cues and other subtle communication to gauge the emotional state of their patients. This is where emotion analytics comes in.

Emotion Analytics:

Emotional Scan analyze and interpret data related to human emotions. In remote psychotherapy, emotion analytics can provide valuable insights into a patient’s emotional state. This can be accomplished through various methods, including facial microexpressions recognition, voice phonetics analysis, and transcripts recognition.


The use of emotion analytics in remote psychotherapy can provide several benefits. Firstly, it can provide therapists with valuable insights into their patient’s emotional states, even in the absence of in-person communication. This can help therapists make more informed treatment decisions and provide more effective therapy.

Secondly, emotion analytics can help therapists track changes in their patient’s emotional states over time. This can be useful in identifying patterns and trends that may be indicative of underlying issues or conditions.

Thirdly, emotion analytics can help therapists personalize their treatment approach to each patient. By understanding a patient’s emotional state more deeply, therapists can tailor their therapy sessions to address their needs better.


Despite the potential benefits of emotion analytics in remote psychotherapy, there are also several challenges that need to be addressed. Firstly, Emotional Scan’s main concern is privacy and security. Our platform has been developed under GDPR norms to protect Patients’ emotional data, and privacy is protected.

Secondly, the Accuracy of Emotional Scan methods is proveen and constantly improving and provides valuable insights, the Examiner human interaction reduces the risk of misinterpreting data.

Thirdly, Emotional Scan is an emotion analytics tool. While it provides useful insights, it should not replace the expertise and intuition of the therapist.


Emotional Scan has the potential to revolutionize the field of remote psychotherapy, providing therapists with valuable insights into their patient’s emotional states. As the use of remote psychotherapy continues to grow.