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Emotional Scan


Remote Video – Interview Types

Do you feel overwhelmed by your emotions?

If you need Counseling, you are in a Crisis, or you want to Improve.

Just perform a simple Remote Video Interview and  

Scientifically Diagnose Emotions to improve people´s lives.

Marriage & Couples Counseling

Personal Self Improvement

Middle Age Crisis

Neither study nor work

Uncomfortable in Work

Fired Person Crisis

Entrepreneur Viability

Family Scan

Uncomfortable in Life

Substance Abuse

Senior Citizens Anxiety

Top Level Executives Coaching

Career Transition Planning

Uncomfortable in School

College Students Improvement

Happiness Fingerprint - Diagnose

Emotional Scan (AI) can help doctors, coaches, and therapists increase emotional awareness for their patients by reviewing specific issues, expressing empathy, and delivering diagnoses more quickly and accurately. It can also be an essential tool to predict how patients will approach therapy and take steps to ensure they are successful and remain in treatment.

Marriage and Couples Counseling is a therapy that focuses on improving communication and resolving conflicts between couples. It can be helpful for couples experiencing difficulties in their relationship, such as frequent arguments, lack of intimacy, or difficulties with trust.

During marriage and couples counseling sessions, the therapist works with both partners to identify the issues causing problems and develop strategies for resolving them. This may involve learning new communication skills, developing a deeper understanding of each other’s needs and wants, and exploring ways to rebuild trust.


Counseling sessions can take place in person or online and may be led by a licensed therapist or counselor. The length and frequency of the sessions will depend on the couple’s needs and the therapist’s recommendation.

Marriage and couples counseling can be a valuable tool for improving relationships and helping couples to build stronger, healthier partnerships and  prevent issues from escalating and potentially leading to separation or divorce.

Feeling Uncomfortable in Life can be a common experience for many people, especially during change or uncertainty. It can manifest in a variety of ways, such as feeling restless, anxious, or dissatisfied with one’s current situation.

Identify the source. Is it related to your career, relationships, or a major life transition? Understanding the source of your discomfort can help you develop a plan to address it.

Verbalizing your thoughts and feelings can be helpful. If you feel like you need more support, consider reaching out to a mental health professional. Embrace change: Sometimes discomfort can be a sign that it’s time to change your life.

Approach change with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow. Remember, feeling uncomfortable at life is a common experience, and asking for help is okay if you need it. With time and effort, you can work towards feeling more comfortable and fulfilled in your life.

Personal Self-Improvement refers to improving oneself through intentional actions and behaviors. 

Here are some tips for personal self-improvement:

Set specific goals: Identify areas in your life that you want to improve and set specific, measurable goals for each.

Develop new skills: Learn new skills that will help you personally and professionally.

Cultivate positive habits: Create habits that support your goals and contribute to your overall well-being. 

Prioritize self-care: Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from others on areas you want to improve. 

Celebrate your successes: Recognize your progress and use it as motivation to continue improving.

Remember that personal self-improvement is a journey, not a destination. Making meaningful changes in your life takes time, effort, and commitment. But by taking small steps every day, you can progress toward becoming the best version of yourself.

Substance Abuse is a pattern of harmful or hazardous use of drugs or alcohol that leads to negative consequences for the individual, their relationships, and their community. It is a complex issue with physical, psychological, and social consequences. Here are some tips for dealing with substance abuse:

Seek professional help: If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, it’s essential to seek professional help.

Identify and avoid triggers: Certain people, places, or situations can trigger substance abuse. 

Build a support system: Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, and peers who can offer encouragement and accountability. 

Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally can help reduce the risk of substance abuse.

Create a recovery plan: Develop a plan that includes setting realistic goals, identifying obstacles, and developing strategies to overcome them. This can help you stay focused and motivated.

Premium Service individuals who understand the value of their Mental Health & Inner Peace.

Self Service refers to software as a service where the volunteer performs the interview and self-awareness using online resources.

Corporate Program self-awareness and improves anonymous volunteers’ burnout and stress and also helps understand the company’s critical issues and scientific emotional-data to understand corp climate, thoughts, and emotions!

Middle-age or Midlife Crises are significant personal and emotional turmoil that can occur in individuals during their 40s or 50s. It is often characterized by anxiety, depression, and dissatisfaction with one’s life. Here are some tips for dealing with middle age crisis:

Acknowledge your feelings: It’s important to recognize and acknowledge the anxiety, confusion, and dissatisfaction that may arise during a middle-age crisis. Denying or repressing these emotions can lead to further distress.

Could you identify the source of your dissatisfaction? Take the time to reflect on what is causing your dissatisfaction. Is it related to your career, relationships, or other aspects of your life?

Set new goals: Consider setting new goals for yourself, whether related to personal growth, career advancement, or other areas of your life. 

Seek support: Reach out to family, friends, or a therapist. Embrace change: Accept that change is a natural part of life and approach it open-mindedly.

Middle age crisis is a normal and natural experience that many people go through. With the right support and resources, it can be an opportunity for personal growth and positive change.

Senior Citizens can experience Anxiety for various reasons, including health concerns, social isolation, financial worries, and changes in living arrangements. Here are some tips for dealing with anxiety in seniors:

Seek professional help: If anxiety interferes with daily activities or quality of life, seeking professional help is essential.

Stay socially engaged: Maintaining social connections can help reduce anxiety in seniors.

Stay physically active: Regular exercise can help reduce anxiety and improve overall health. 

Practice relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can help seniors manage anxiety.

Practice good sleep habits: Seniors should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night and practice good sleep hygiene, such as avoiding caffeine and electronics before bed.

Remember that anxiety in seniors is a common and treatable condition. By seeking help and making positive lifestyle changes, seniors can reduce their anxiety and improve their overall well-being.

If someone is Neither Studying Nor Working, it’s important to address the underlying reasons and take steps to move forward. Here are some tips:

Identify the reasons: It’s important to understand why someone is not studying or working. This could be due to a lack of motivation, mental health issues, financial constraints, or other factors.

Develop a plan: Once the reasons have been identified, develop a plan to address them. 

Build skills: Even if the person is not currently working or studying, it’s essential to continue building skills and staying engaged.

Stay active: It’s important to stay active and engaged in daily life. This could involve exercising regularly, practicing mindfulness or meditation, or participating in community activities.

Seek support: Support from family, friends, or a therapist can help address the underlying issues and develop a plan for moving forward.

Remember that there is always time to make changes and pursue new opportunities. Finding a fulfilling path forward is possible with the right support and resources.

Top-level Executives often seek Coaching to help them improve their leadership skills, navigate complex organizational challenges, and achieve their personal and professional goals. 

Understand their goals: The coaching process should start with a deep understanding of the executive’s goals, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. 

Focus on behavior change: Coaching should focus on helping the executive develop new skills, behaviors, and habits to enable them to achieve their goals. 

Encourage self-reflection: Self-reflection is an essential aspect of coaching. 

Use various coaching techniques: Effective coaching involves a range of techniques, including one-on-one coaching sessions, feedback from peers and subordinates, assessments, and development planning. 

Hold the executive accountable: Coaching is most effective when the executive is accountable for making changes and following through on their commitments. 

Coaching is a collaborative process that requires trust and open communication between the coach and the executive. 

Feeling Uncomfortable at Work can be a challenging experience. It’s essential to address the underlying causes and take steps to improve the situation.

Identify the cause: Understand what is causing you to feel uncomfortable at work. This could be due to a problematic relationship with a coworker, a stressful work environment, a lack of support from management, or other factors.

Seek support: Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist can help you process your feelings and develop a plan for addressing the situation.

Develop coping strategies: Developing coping strategies can help you manage stress and anxiety in the workplace.

Communicate your needs: If specific changes could help you feel more comfortable at work, communicate your needs to your supervisor or HR representative.

Set boundaries: It’s essential to protect your mental health and well-being. This could involve limiting work hours, saying no to additional responsibilities, or avoiding toxic coworkers or situations.

You can improve your work environment and overall well-being by seeking support, developing coping strategies, and communicating your needs.

Career Transitions can be challenging, but with careful planning and preparation, they can also be rewarding opportunities for growth and development. 

Could you identify your goals? Your long-term career goals and the skills and experience you need to achieve them. 

Research your options: Once you’ve identified your goals, research the different career paths and industries that align with your interests and strengths. 

Assess your skills: It’s essential to assess your current skills and experience to determine what additional training or education you may need to transition successfully. 

Develop a plan: Once you have a clear idea of your goals, options, and skill gaps, develop a plan for making the transition.

Network and seek support: Building a network of contacts in your desired field can be invaluable in making a successful career transition. 

Remember that career transitions can be challenging, but with careful planning and preparation, they can also be rewarding opportunities for growth and development. 

Being Fired from a Job is a very emotional experience, and it’s important to allow time to process your feelings of loss and disappointment.

Evaluate your financial situation: Losing a job can impact your finances, so it’s essential to evaluate your financial situation and make a plan for managing your expenses and finding new sources of income.

Reach out for support: Don’t be afraid to contact friends, family, or a therapist for emotional support during this challenging time.

Reframe your experience: Instead of seeing your job loss as a failure, try to reframe it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

Develop a job search plan: Once you’re ready, start developing a job search plan that includes updating your resume and cover letter, networking, and applying for new job opportunities.

Consider upskilling: This could involve taking courses or certifications to improve your skills and make you more competitive in the job market.

Feeling Uncomfortable in School can be a challenging experience, but there are steps you can take to improve the situation. Here are some tips:

Identify the cause: It’s essential to understand what is causing you to feel uncomfortable at school. This could be due to a difficult relationship with a teacher or classmate, a stressful academic environment, or other factors.

Seek support: Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor can help you process your feelings and develop a plan for addressing the situation.

Develop coping strategies: Developing coping strategies can help you manage stress and anxiety in school.

Communicate your needs: If there are specific changes that could help you feel more comfortable at school, communicate your needs to a teacher, school counselor, or another authority figure.

Get involved: Extracurricular activities, clubs, or sports teams can help you build relationships and feel more connected to your school community.

By seeking support, developing coping strategies, communicating your needs, getting involved, and focusing on your strengths, you can improve your school experience and overall well-being.

Yes, anyone can become an Entrepreneur! However, successful entrepreneurs require hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Traits and skills that are associated with successful entrepreneurs:

Passion: Successful entrepreneurs are passionate about their businesses and believe in their products or services.

Creativity: Successful entrepreneurs can think creatively to develop new ideas and solutions.

Adaptability: Successful entrepreneurs can adapt to changing market conditions and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Risk-taking: Successful entrepreneurs are willing to take calculated risks to achieve their goals and grow their businesses.

Resilience: Successful entrepreneurs are resilient and able to overcome setbacks and challenges.

Networking: Successful entrepreneurs are skilled at building relationships and networking with others in their industry.

Financial management: Successful entrepreneurs can manage their finances effectively, including budgeting, forecasting, and securing funding.

Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, but if you have a passion for your idea, are willing to work hard and take calculated risks, and are committed to seeing your business succeed. Entrepreneurship may be the right path for you. You can build a successful business and achieve your goals with the right mindset and support.

College is a time of significant Personal Growth 

Manage time effectively: Learn how to prioritizing tasks, setting deadlines, and avoiding procrastination.

Develop study skills: Develop effective study skills, such as note-taking, time management, and test-taking strategies.

Get involved: Join clubs, organizations, or volunteer groups that align with your interests and values. 

Build relationships: Build positive relationships with peers, professors, and mentors. 

Take care of yourself: Practice self-care by eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and managing stress.

Pursue internships or work experience: Gain practical experience in your field of study through internships or part-time work. 

College is a time of exploration and growth, and there are many opportunities to improve yourself academically and personally. By setting goals, managing your time effectively, developing study skills, getting involved, building relationships, taking care of yourself, and pursuing internships or work experience, you can make the most of your college experience and prepare yourself for future success.

The concept of a Family Scan is a valuable tool for individuals seeking to understand their family history and dynamics better. A family scan is essentially an exploration of one’s family history, examining the relationships, patterns, and events that have shaped the family’s past and present.

A family scan is a way to understand better one’s family and the forces that have influenced it. By examining family relationships, communication patterns, and past events, individuals can identify strengths and weaknesses within the family unit. This understanding can then be used to develop strategies for improving relationships, resolving conflicts, and building stronger family bonds.

Individuals must gather information about their family history to conduct a family scan. This can include gathering documents, interviewing family members, and researching the family’s past. Once this information is collected, it can be analyzed to identify key themes and patterns within the family dynamic.

For example, a family scan may reveal that specific communication patterns, such as avoiding conflict or using passive-aggressive behavior, are expected within the family. By recognizing these patterns, individuals can develop strategies for improving communication and resolving disputes more effectively.

Similarly, a family scan may reveal events or experiences that have significantly impacted the family’s history and relationships. By understanding the impact of these events, individuals can work to address any lingering effects and build stronger, more resilient family relationships.

Overall, a family scan can be a powerful tool for individuals seeking to better understand their family history and dynamics. By examining relationships, communication patterns, and past events, individuals can identify areas for improvement and work to build stronger, healthier family bonds.

The concept of Happiness Diagnosis involves assessing an individual’s overall well-being and level of satisfaction with their life. A happiness diagnosis can be helpful for individuals who are struggling to find happiness or fulfillment in their lives and are seeking guidance on improving their emotional well-being.

The first step in conducting a happiness diagnosis is to assess an individual’s overall level of happiness. This can be done through various means, including self-report surveys, interviews, and observations. By understanding an individual’s current level of happiness, a happiness diagnosis can identify areas that may be contributing to their dissatisfaction and guide on improving their emotional well-being.

One important aspect of a happiness diagnosis is identifying an individual’s core values and beliefs. These values and beliefs can provide insight into what is most important to the individual and what brings them a sense of purpose and fulfillment. By understanding these core values, individuals can adjust their lives to align more closely with their personal goals and desires.

Another critical component of a happiness diagnosis is identifying sources of stress and negativity in an individual’s life. By understanding these sources, individuals can work to eliminate or mitigate them, reducing their impact on overall happiness and well-being.

In addition, a happiness diagnosis can help individuals identify areas where they may need additional support or resources. For example, an individual may benefit from counseling or therapy to address emotional or mental health issues or need to seek out social support to improve their sense of connection and belonging.

Ultimately, a happiness diagnosis can help individuals identify the factors contributing to their overall well-being and provide guidance on improving their emotional health and satisfaction with life. By improving these factors, individuals can cultivate a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment in their lives, leading to a more positive and fulfilling overall experience.

*Disclaimer for – Powered by ETC-AI* is an initial self-awareness tool to help identify potential emotional issues. It is not a replacement for professional medical or psychological evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment.

Suppose you or someone you know is experiencing emotional distress or other symptoms. In that case, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or therapist to ensure a comprehensive assessment and appropriate care.

Relying solely on without seeking professional advice can lead to missed diagnoses or delayed treatment. Always prioritize professional guidance when addressing emotional or mental health concerns.