Limit your time for bad NEWS!
It is helpful to protect your mental health and well-being. While staying informed about what’s happening in the world is essential, exposure to constant negative news can take a toll on your mental and emotional state.
Research has shown that exposure to negative NEWS can increase feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression. It can also lead to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, which can be particularly challenging during times of crisis or uncertainty.
By limiting your exposure to negative news, you can help reduce the impact it has on your mental health. This may involve setting a specific time limit for watching or reading the news daily or taking regular breaks from social media and news outlets.
Instead of constantly consuming negative news, balance your media diet with positive and uplifting content. This can include inspirational stories, humorous content, or activities promoting relaxation and stress relief.
It’s also important to be mindful of your reactions to the news. Find that exposure to negative news triggers strong emotions or anxiety. It may be time to take a break and focus on self-care activities that help you feel grounded and centered.
In summary, while it’s important to stay informed about what’s happening in the world, it’s equally important to protect your mental health by limiting your exposure to negative news. By setting boundaries and balancing your media diet with positive content, you can help to maintain a sense of calm and well-being even during challenging times.
“Bad news sells because the amygdala is always looking for something to fear.” ― Peter Diamandis